Did you know?...
The story of the Acetaia San Giacomo
On the street named “San Giacomo Maggiore” in the small town of Cognento of Campagnola, was the address of where it was born thanks to the passion of my mother and my father, Carla and Carlo. With the production of a small farm, between the Lambrusco wine and other fruits and vegetables, it kept family and friends happy.
In the top floor of that house there were the first balsamic vinegar barrels already initiated by the grandparents, as it was traditional in this area to have a small production, just for the family consumption.
During those times there wasn’t a unique “sure” method to make the Balsmaic Vinegar, each family had its own methods, traditions and techniques, sometimes even personal recepies.
A product that was so fascinating that the barrels kept growing in number and in the San Giacomo Maggiore street you could smell the perfume of cooked grape must in the autumn and the magnificent aroma of the Balsamic Vinegar ageing during the summer months.
Our Products

250ml, 750ml

250ml, 750ml

250ml, 750ml

Agro Di Mosto
250ml, 750ml

San Giacomo
250ml, 750ml

Aceto Di Vino
Da Botti Di Ginepro

Aceto Di Birra

Aceto Di Vino
Riserva 6 Anni

Kit Acido
Confezione Regalo
3 Spray, 5 Spray

The true and only Balsamic Vinegar of the Millennial Tradition.
Produced exclusively with 100% must cooked from grapes of our vines cared for in organic agriculture, cooking the fresh must over direct heat. Minimum 12 years of aging and up to over 25 years for Extra-old as well as the tasting of master tasters for each single batch, to verify that – in addition to aging – there is also the relative quality. The bottling is finally carried out by an external inspection body. No other food and wine product in the world shares the same rigorous control procedure.

Oro Extra Vecchio
25+ Years

18 Years